Петров, В. Последните държавни средища на Ранносредновековна България (края на X – началото на XI в.)
Последните държавни средища на ранносредновековна България (края на X – началото на XI в.)
В: Obscured Balkans, бр. 1, 2024.
Получаване: 21 април 2024 г.
Техническа оценка: 7 май 2024 г.
Редакторска оценка: 31 май 2024 г.
Анонимно рецензиране: 10 юни 2024 г.
Приемане: 12 юли 2024 г.
Публикуване: 7 ноември 2024 г.
Петров, В. 2024. ‘Последните държавни средища на ранносредновековна България (края на X – началото на XI в.).’ Obscured Balkans, бр. 1, с. 119–137. DOI https://doi.org/10.62761/OB2024.VP, ISSN 3033-1331.
A characteristic feature of the Bulgarian Tsardom in the period between 971 and 1018 was the frequent change of the capital city. Judging by the fact that the Bulgarian patriarchs followed closely the path of central government for the sake of unity between State and Church, it is evident that after Preslav the functions of the capital were successively carried out by Sredets, Vodena, Moglena, Skopje, Prespa and Ohrid. Alongside the political centers, numerous royal residences were built, such as those in Prespa, Setina, Bitola, Peterskon and Kopriništa. Their establishment was in accordance with the traditions of Krum’s dynasty to build residences for the convenience of the royal family in different parts of the country, but also as an insurance that if any of them were to be taken over by the enemy, the Tsar would be able to change the location of his court relatively quickly. Therefore, a specific for medieval Bulgaria model of “main and second capital city” was present, most pronounced under the reign of Tsar Samuel with the capitals of Prespa and Ohrid. More precisely, the lack of a permanent and immutable capital city should be seen within the context of the itinerant court phenomenon that was typical of early medieval Europe. The mobile exercise of power in the form of the itinerant court is an appropriate terminus technicus which, together with the unfolding internal political particularism and the constant external threat in the face of the Byzantine Empire, makes it possible to explain the reason for the existence of multiple short-lived capital cities after 971. At the end of the article there is an appendix presenting a tabular arrangement of the state centers and residences of the Cometopouloi rulers.
capitals, royal residences, court culture, Prespa, Ohrid, Tsar Samuel
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