Petrov, M. The Crusade of Nicopolis in 15th Century Bavarian Historical Literature (1400–1450)
The Crusade of Nicopolis in 15th Century Bavarian Historical Literature (1400–1450)
В: Obscured Balkans, vol. 1, 2024.
Милен Петров, докторант
Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология
Българска академия на науките
Получаване: 15 август 2024 г.
Техническа оценка: 30 август 2024 г.
Редакторска оценка: 16 септември 2024 г.
Анонимно рецензиране: 1 октомври 2024 г.
Приемане: 1 ноември 2024 г.
Публикуване: 7 ноември 2024 г.
Petrov, M. 2024. ‘The Crusade of Nicopolis in 15th Century Bavarian Historical Literature (1400–1450).’ Obscured Balkans, vol. 1, pp. 83–101. DOI 10.62761/OB2024.MP, ISSN 3033-1331.
Bavarian, and other sources from the Holy Roman Empire concerning the battle of Nicopolis (1396) have not received as much attention in the recent scholarship on King Sigismund’s ill-fated crusade, especially when compared to studies on the French, Ottoman or Byzantine texts. The purpose of this paper is to shed light on some chronicles, family histories, memoirs and other texts that originate from late medieval Bavaria and describe the Nicopolis campaign. Since this is the first part of a larger study and although a scheme of the connections and influences between the main Bavarian sources on the crusade (in the period c. 1400–c. 1530) is proposed and presented in the text, the main focus is on the works of Andreas von Regensburg. A few of his chronicles contain information on the crusade, especially on the fate of the Wittelsbach crusader Ruprecht Pipan, son of the Count Palatine (and future King of the Romans) Ruprecht III. This can be a useful starting point for a discussion of the Wittelsbach participation in the later crusades and their representation in the narrative sources of the period. This is further examined by taking a closer look at the views that Andreas held concerning the crusades. This evaluation revealed that he tried to emphasize the Bavarian participation in the crusading movement as a whole and that the crusades appear in his text only when Bavaria is concerned. Furthermore, his works became the basis for later authors who rewrote, copied or adapted them well into the sixteenth century.
Bavaria, Nicopolis, Wittelsbach, Holy Roman Empire, Andreas von Regensburg
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