Karagyozov, М. Center and periphery blurred: notes on the most popular debate in social sciences on Turkey
Center and periphery blurred: notes on the most popular debate in social sciences on Turkey
В: Obscured Balkans, бр. 1, 2024.
Д-р Мариян Карагьозов, политолог
Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология
Българска академия на науките
Получаване: 23 септември 2024 г.
Техническа оценка: 27 септември 2024 г.
Редакторска оценка: 30 септември 2024 г.
Анонимно рецензиране: 3 октомври 2024 г.
Приемане: 5 ноември 2024 г.
Публикуване: 7 ноември 2024 г.
Karagyozov, М. 2024. ‘Center and periphery blurred: notes on the most popular debate in social sciences on Turkey.’ Obscured Balkans, бр. 1, с. 181–188. DOI https://doi.org/10.62761/OB2024.MK, ISSN 3033-1331.
In an article, published in 1973, the Turkish sociologist Şerif Mardin proposed the idea that the center-periphery cleavage is the key to understanding Turkish politics from the Ottoman era to the present days. Since its publication, this has been one of the most widely discussed texts ever written on Turkey, with the article having between 50 and 100 citations in academic publications every year since 2010. The aim of this paper is to familiarize the audience with the authors’ main thesis, the academic criticisms leveled at it, and the contemporary political uses of the concept. The text will demonstrate the historical reconfigurations the center and periphery undergo, еspecially after the Justice and Development Party, which (claims to) represent the periphery, came to power in Turkey in 2002, thus becoming the center. The text will question the current validity of the center-periphery divide as well.
Şerif Mardin; center; periphery; Turkey
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